
Описание продукта
Elegance and modernity

Series of LED modules available individually to personalize their lamp.
Suitable for modern environments that want to enhance "the light object." E 'consists of heat-resistant glass diffusers mounted on a choice of various structures.
Elegant and contemporary

Series of LED modules Which can be Purchased individually to customize the lamp. Suitable for modern interiors where light fixtures are emphasized. It consists of heat-resistant glass diffusion sers That can be fitted on various types of structures.
Moderne Eleganz

Eine Serie auch einzeln erhaeltlicher Led Modulen Moeglichkeit geben die, die eigene Lampe nach eigener persoenlicher Vorstellung Lichtobjekt als zu gestalten.
Ist hitzebestaendigen hergestellt aus Glas, montiert auf diversen Strukturen, welche werden ausgewaehlt koennen.